Do You Know Who You Are? | Finding The True You

We all do it.

When asked, "What do you do?" or "Who are you?", we immediately rattle off a long list of job titles and responsibilities.

We are even tempted to believe that our identities are wrapped up in what we create.

This can be dangerous for a number of reasons. Placing our identities in what we create and how good we perform or how well we are received places your identity, your self worth, your whole being in the small and very human hands of imperfect people.

If you are no longer created or in between inspirations and passions... if you can't create or choose not to anymore, you will lose yourself.

My point is that you're so much more than your art.

You are more than likes, streams, purchases, followers, applause, and gigs.

You're entire being is far too sacred to be limited to a few titles and responsibilities, and who you are depends on the day and season.

But there are undeniable truths about yourself that you can stick to that will never change.

For example, I am a Loved Child of God. Nothing and no one can strip that truth from me. No matter how I feel about myself or my performance, or... whatever.

So I ask you...

Who are you?

What is true about you that no one, not even yourself, can dictate or define about you?

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