Know full well.
“You Are Loved” Campaign 2017
Know Full Well.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
-Psalm 139: 13 & 14
About Us
The Full Well Project tells a story of following an idea from inspiration, experimentation, a lot of trial, error and pivoting.
It all started with an imperfect idea for a video created in 2013 made with a few of my friends. It encouraged people to see themselves as God sees them; whole, beautiful, loved, important, priceless, and a slew of other attributes we have forgotten navigating day to day in this broken world.
Eventually, it morphed into something more. People began sharing their stories of heartache, triumph and creativity, inspiring me and many others.
We moved onto other personal and inspired projects, tackling themes and issues such as self esteem, feeding the hungry in DC, giving a voice to black women’s stories and “portraits for positivity”.
What started as a blog, turned into a weekly podcast encouraging creatives and soulful people alike.
Now, we are on out third iteration of The Full Well Project and I couldn’t be more excited.
The Full Well Project was created with you in mind, before I even knew what it would be, before I even thought of this project.
Here, we promote healing and rest through art and creativity. Our mission is to encourage our people to love and serve God, themselves and others with their art and their stories. We are all creative and that creativity is a gift. Sometimes we just need permission and guidance.
We aim to be a well of resources, wealth, and education. We strive to provide a safe place of refuge for healing, community and creation. We wish to support our community, invest back into the places that made us who we are and provide opportunities we wish we had.
Journey with us as we build The Full Well Project, encourage and serve our community and create authentically and ethically.
I can’t wait to see what happens next.
with much love and joy,
Alecia Renece